Senior High Group Membership Drive
Today through August 31 . Grades 9-12

Sign up now for the following Aquin High School clubs!

Then, please submit $3 by August 31 for each club you wish to join.   Payments should be submitted in a clearly marked envelope and submitted to the office.  You can put all family dues on one check, but please designate the groups and the student(s).  

Dues will go toward club projects throughout the year.  (ie: Head Start Christmas Gifts, Canned Food Drive, Chalk the Campus, Cemetery of the Unborn, Red Ribbon Campaign, Guest Speakers, etc.)
In Google anmelden, um den Fortschritt zu speichern. Weitere Informationen
INTERACT  .  Aquin's Service Club (Please indicate "yes" or "no".) *
Projects include the Canned Food Drive, Thanksgiving Baskets for the Poor,  Headstart Christmas Gifts, Brad Sloan Support, Fashion Show at Liberty Village etc.
PAWS (Pro-life Advocates Willing to Stand) . Aquin's Right To Life Club (Please indicate "yes" or "no".) *
Projects include Spiritual Adoption of Unborn Child, Chalk the Campus, Cemetery of the Unborn, Pro-Life Mass/Speakers, Birthing Kits for Haiti etc.
DAWG (Drug and Alcohol Awareness Group) . Aquin's Drug and Alcohol Awareness Club (Please indicate "yes" or "no".) *
Projects include Red Ribbon Campaign, Guest Speakers, etc.
Student First Name *
Student Last Name *
Student Grade Level *
I will submit $3 by August 31, 2017 to be a member of each group I registered for. *
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