Application Deadline: October 29, 2021
Recipient Notification: Mid November

Musical arts scholarship to support Asian American, Native Hawaiian, and Pacific Islander (AANHPI) students pursuing a degree in the musical arts, including, but not limited to: audio engineering, independent artist, instrumental performance, and musical performance.

General Eligibility Requirements:

•  Must be of at least 25% Asian and/or Pacific Islander Ethnicity
•  Must be currently enrolled full-time at an accredited U.S. vocational, junior college, or four-year college/university and must be a full- time, associate/bachelor/master degree seeking student pursuing a degree in the Musical Arts
•  Financial hardship will be considered
•  Pacific Bridge Arts Foundation family members of Board Members or Staff are ineligible

To apply, please fill out the below form completely and include all required attachments.


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Application Deadline: October 29, 2021
First Name *
Last Name *
Street Address *
City *
State *
ZIP Code *
Phone *
Email *
Date of Birth (mm/dd/yy) *
Enrolled School *
Major *
Feel free to elaborate on your field of study
What ethnicity/ethnicities do you identify with? (For example: Japanese, Filipino-Chinese, half Malaysian, Chamorro, etc.) *
How did you hear about the Scholarship? *
Parent/Guardian Name (if under 18yrs of age)
Parent/Guardian Phone Number
Parent/Guardian Email
Do you or your family receive any low income government assistance such as Calworks, Section 8, Calfresh etc.?
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Do you qualify for financial aid, and if so, how much did you receive (in loans and in grants) in 2018-2019?
We may request paperwork or receipts for verification.
Are you a recipient of any federal student loans or grants? If so, please name them and how much of each.
Are you a recipient of any state financial aid, including the Cal Grant? If so, how much have you received?
Are you part of a work study program? If so, please describe it.
What is your estimated annual household income? (Please note - you may be asked to provide proof of estimated household income)
Please provide your resume. Upload the file to this link: *
Format the file name: lastname_firstname_resume
Please provide an essay or artistic expression. Essay prompts are described below. Upload the file to this link: *
ESSAY PROMPTS: Choose one of the following to answer: (1) How does music & musical performance help my local community? (2) What or who inspired you to pursue a career in music? (3) Describe why you are really passionate about music and how a career in Musical Arts will help you help your community. | Format the file name: lastname_firstname_work
Please provide one letter of recommendation. Upload the file to this link: *
Please format or notify the person who is writing the letter for you to format the file name: yourlastname_yourfirstname_LOR
Please upload any additional artistic materials that you may have to this link:
Format the file name: yourlastname_yourfirstname_additional
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