Veterans Day All School Meeting
On Friday, November 15, 2024, at 9:35 am, the WMI School will be honoring our community’s Veterans at our annual Veteran's Day breakfast and WMI Veteran's Day All School Meeting.  If you know someone who is a Veteran, please invite him/her to join us that morning.  

If the Veteran is able to attend our ASM on Thursday, November 15, 2024, please let us know by filling out this form by  no later than Friday, October 18, 2024.


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Please only fill out this form if you have a Veteran who is available to come to our All School Meeting on November 15th.  Please check YES if your Veteran will be able to come to our school on this day. *
Will the veteran be able to attend the coffee and breakfast & photos with their student or staff member before the assembly at 9:35? *
Veteran's full name: (Exactly how he/she wants to be announced) *
Check the ONE branch of service he/she would like to be recognized for: *
Your child's name: (first and last) or the staff member's name the veteran is connected to. *
Your child's grade: *
Your child's teacher:
Veteran’s relation to child: (parent, grandparent, aunt, uncle, neighbor, family friend...) *
Please list any special accommodations needed for this Veteran:
The name of contact person we can call to clarify any of the above information *
The phone number of the contact person we can call to clarify any of the above information: *
The email of the contact person we can send information to (if different from the one you listed at the start of this form)
*The All School Meeting Veterans Assembly on November 15, 2023 will be held outdoors from 10:15-11:15. Please have your veteran dress accordingly.  
*Please have your veteran be here at 9:35 am for coffee/breakfast and photo ops with his/her special West Middle Island student or staff member.

A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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