Expression of Interest: FIrst Nations Pandemic Research PreparednesS NeTwork (FIRST) 
The Australian Partnership for Preparedness Research on InfectiouS disease Emergencies (APPRISE) is seeking First Nations health workers and researchers to join FIRST: the newly established FIrst Nations Pandemic Research PreparednesS NeTwork
FIRST will draw together diverse First Nations experiences including both research expertise and an interest in keeping pandemic preparedness on the radar.
FIRST will advocate for overall health system strengthening.
FIRST will enable and amplify a First Nations perspective on pandemic preparedness.

More information on the FIRST network is available on the APPRISE website.

If you identify as an Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander and are involved in pandemic preparedness work and research of any kind, please indicate your interest in FIRST by submitting this form at any time.

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4. Position/Title
5. First Nations Status
6. Relevant experience
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