Spencerport Soccer Club Board Interest
Our Club relies on volunteers to organize and implement day-to-day activities in support of our soccer players. Yearly, we canvas for individuals interested in running for various board member roles as terms end. We encourage you to become involved with our board as we strive for growth. 

Please answer the questions below regarding your intent to run for a position on the Spencerport Soccer Club board.
 Interested persons will need to attend a nominations meeting on Sunday, October 20 at 6:45 pm as well as the Annual Meeting on Sunday, November 3rd at 7:00 pm. 
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Name *
Email address *
The below SSC Board positions are open for a two year commitment. They are voting positions. Please choose a position(s) you are interested in running for. 
We also have many open positions that are non-voting positions. These positions are mostly task specific. Please choose a position(s) you would be interested in being appointed to. 
What is your vision for Spencerport Soccer Club? (This will be shared with club membership before elections). 
What qualifications do you feel you have that would optimize your role on the Board in support of SSC?   (This will be shared with club membership before elections). 
Are you aware of any sponsors that may be willing to support programs, tournaments, or general SSC procedures? 
Do you have anything else to share?
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