2021 YBDIC Outreach Science Communication Week Registration
The Yale Biomedical and Biological Sciences Diversity and Inclusion Collective (YBDIC) is a graduate student run organization that aims to increase representation of underrepresented groups in STEM. We develop programs that engage, empower, and advance individuals personally and professionally.

The YBDIC Outreach Branch focuses on providing access to science communication and education opportunities and resources to underrepresented, marginalized and disadvantaged individuals in community college, undergraduate and post-baccalaureate programs with the goal of increasing readiness for biological and biomedical careers.

In Spring 2021, the YBDIC Outreach Branch launched its inaugural Science Communication Series to provide undergraduate, community college, and post-baccalaureate students a training opportunity in science communication. This series features how to communicate to general/broad audiences through oral presentations, outreach demos, infographics, OpEds, among others.

Our 2021 YBDIC Outreach Science Communication Week will feature additional mechanisms of utilizing science communication to engage and educate broad audiences, build community, increase representation and visibility of diverse voices, build entrepreneurial ventures, have accessible platforms, and more!

Please access our full week's agenda here: https://tinyurl.com/ybsy9fv6

Full Name *
Email Address *
Education Level *
Gender *
Are you a 2021 YBDIC Outreach Science Communication Series Scholar? *
Do you identify as an underrepresented, marginalized, or disadvantaged individual in STEM? *
Following updated NIH definitions as underrepresented or marginalized in STEM:  Black, African American, Hispanic, Latinx, Pacific Islander, Native American, American Indians, Alaska Natives, Native Hawaiians, First-generation, Low-Income, Disabled, LGBTQIA+, Womxn in STEM, from rural area, or have had experienced homelessness.
If you answered yes in the previous question, please indicate which groups you identify with.
If you identify in more than one underrepresented, marginalized or disadvantaged group, please divide these utilizing a semi-colon ( ; ).
Current Institution/Company *
What do you hope to gain during the Science Communication Week sessions? *
What are you looking forward to learning about science communication and how can it supply your education?
How did you learn about the 2021 YBDIC Outreach Science Communication Week? *
Please select any YBDIC Outreach programs or events that you have participated in: *
Would you like to learn more about YBDIC Outreach programs and events? *
If yes, you will be included within a YBDIC Outreach listserv to receive updates on upcoming programs and events.
Community Compact Agreement *
I agree to be respectful of those presenting, leading, and attending the sessions, their views, thoughts and experiences. I agree to be fully present and open minded during each session. I will NOT engage in discrimination of any kind or form and understand that if I do so I will be immediately removed from the programming and will be unable to participate in any future events.
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