CSUF Business Plan Competition Sign Up
If you would like to be in the CSUF Business Plan Competition you must sign up first and then submit a completed CSUF Business Plan Competition Questionnaire (found here: http://bit.ly/1DW8E4C). Please submit your completed Questionnaire no later than March 6th to csufentrepreneurship@fullerton.edu and tlindsay@fullerton.edu

More info on the competition can be found at: http://bit.ly/CSUFBizPlanCompetition.

You may be wondering why we ask for the following information and the reason why is because we need to confirm that you are a current California State University, Fullerton student and this information gives us the ability to confirm this. We would also appreciate it if you let us know what your major(s) and concentration(s) are because that is one of the metrics we follow since it gives us the ability to show that this competition reaches across campus.

If you have any questions about this competition or what the Center for Entrepreneurship and its various subsidiaries and partners do please get in touch with Travis at tlindsay@fullerton.edu or stop by our offices at SGMH 3280.

One last thing: please have every team member sign up but as long as one person from your team signs up by the deadline then you will be fine.

Thanks and good luck
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First Name *
(example: Horatio)
Last Name *
(example: Hornblower)
Campus Wide ID (CWID) *
(example: 755489246)
Primary Email *
Secondary Email
(example: me@gmail.com)
Team Name
(If you know what it is, if you don't then no worries)
Major (first one)
(example: Russian Literature)
Concentration (first one)
(example: Bolshevik Prose)
Major (second one if applicable)
(example: Physics)
Concentration (second one if applicable)
(example: Particle)
Minor (first one if applicable)
(example: Communications)
Minor Concentration (first one if applicable)
(example: Advertising)
Other Majors and Minors (if applicable)
(Good for you if this applies to you)
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