Team Interest Form
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Swimmer's Full Name (Ex: James Smith) *
Swimmer's DOB  *
Guardian's Full Name (Ex: Mary Bright) *
Guardian's Home Address (Ex: Street address, City, zip code) *
Guardian's Email *
Guardian's Phone Number / Ex: (111) 111-1111 *
Please, choose the response that describes the swimmer's relationship with swimming most accurately. *
Please, choose the response that describes the swimmer most accurately. You can choose more than one response. *
How many years of swimming training did swimmer have? *
Please, specify the swimmer's favorite stroke(s).
(Butterfly, Backstroke, Freestyle, Breaststroke)
Can the swimmer swim 25 yards using one stroke and then swim another 25 yards with a different stroke? *
Is the swimmer comfortable with side breathing on freestyle? *
Is the swimmer comfortable swimming on the back? *
What are the swimmer's expectations from joining the team? Please, choose all that applies.
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