The SMUT Brigade
Thank you for requesting to join Elyse Kelly's Street Team!

Elyse publishes frequently, so some weeks there may be multiple posts. ARCs will be sent out 2 weeks prior to the book release date unless otherwise noted. Communication with the SMUT Brigade will be done in the SMUT Brigade Facebook group and Instagram chat.  Once you have been added to the team, you will be emailed links to join both.

We understand that life happens, so if at any time you are unable to review a book by the scheduled due date, please let us know immediately. If you do not review 2 consecutive books without informing us, you will be removed from the team.
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By clicking 'yes' to receiving ARCs of books by Elyse Kelly, you are acknowledging that all ARCs are copyrighted material protected by federal copyright laws.

Further, by accepting any advanced copy of any book by Elyse Kelly, you agree that you will not distribute, copy, or share your ARC to any person or entity without prior written consent from Elyse Kelly. If it is discovered that you have violated this agreement, Elyse Kelly reserves all legal rights available to it, including pursuing a lawsuit for breach of contract which may claim damages including, but not limited to, lost profits caused by the violative distribution.

Additionally, by accepting any advanced copy of any book by Elyse Kelly, you agree that your review will not contain spoilers. Should Elyse Kelly or a representative or her behalf determine that your review contains spoilers and contacts you to remove such language from you review, you agree that you will do so as soon as is reasonably possible.
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