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Document Name: Feedback Form
Document Number: FRM 014 - Revision: 1 - Status: Active
Please fill out the required fields below. All details will remain confidential. Your response will be handled by B & C Logistics customer support team within 5 business days.
***If this is an emergency please contact us directly: (779) 255-1415***
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* Indicates required question
Response Type
Complaint (External)
Complaint (Internal)
Enter your name:
Your answer
Enter your Company Name:
Your answer
Contact Email/Phone
Your answer
Date of Incident
Subject of response:
Who/What is the subject of this response?
Your answer
Details/Summary of response:
Summary of comment, complaint, etc.
Your answer
Outcome (optional):
As a result of submitting this response, is there any outcome you would like?
Your answer
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