Request for STARBOOKS Virtual Walkthrough
Fill in this form to request a schedule for an exclusive virtual walkthrough on how to access STARBOOKS contents in different platforms(Online, Offline, Mobile Apps). This is a first come first serve basis scheduling and is also based on the availability of our technical persons. For inquiries/clarifications, please email us at or
Email *
Complete Name *
Institution/School *
Institution/School Address *
Institution - Region *
Request Walkthrough for: *
Please indicate your preferred schedule for this session. Kindly note that the walkthrough will start at 10:00 AM.
Number of Expected Participants *
Participants Profile (e.g. students, teachers, librarians, LGU staff, etc.) *
How did you hear about this walkthrough? *
Any other comments and/or questions?
All information collected shall be used exclusively by the STARBOOKS team for further improvement of our services, nothing more. DOST-STII is duty-bound to protect such information as prescribed under Republic Act 10173 or the National Privacy Act of 2012 without the expressed written consent of the users concerned. *
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