Holiday Marine Adventure 3-day Program for 8-12 yr olds, 21st - 23rd October, 2024
Sign-up form for 8-12 yr olds
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Email *
First and Last Name of Participant *
Gender *
Date of Birth of Participant (minimum age 8) *
Location of Residence *
Name of School your child attends
NAME & CONTACT for Parent Whatapp Group *
Please add the name and number of whom to contact on the day of event.
Emergency Contact Name & Number *
Please add the name and phone number of your emergency contact
If your child has any allergies/medical requirements or special educational needs please specify below
Payment Method for $2900 *
The participant shall provide Living Oceans Education with full payment upon completing of this form.  An application process shall not be deemed as confirmed until full receipt of payment has been received by Living Oceans Education. .
Cancellation Policy
For individual cancellations that are made at least 7 days in advance of the program start date, Living Oceans Education will charge 15% of the program fee it has received to cover the operational costs it has committed.  Any individual cancellations within 7 days of the program start date, he/she shall not be eligible for a refund.
Do you agree the photos that are taken during this activity to be used for promotional & marketing purposes for Living Oceans Education only *
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