States Count Action Network Newsletter
Co-led by The Education Fund and State Voices, the States Count Action Network was established as a space to hold field strategy discussions and provide resources for the get-out-the-count (GOTC) phase of the 2020 Census. S-CAN consists of state and national groups with state affiliates that include advocacy organizations, direct service providers, and more.

Now, S-CAN continues to update members on post-2020 Census operational developments and other census news and support advocacy around other Census Bureau programs, including the American Community Survey. As advocates begin looking toward the next decennial census, S-CAN is turning its focus to providing resources and spaces for advocates to strategize together to prepare for the 2030 Census, beginning with a census advocacy webinar/call series and additional programming to come.

Please complete the form below to subscribe to the quarterly S-CAN newsletter.

The S-CAN newsletter will bring you a roundup of census news highlights, advocacy updates and calls to action, information on upcoming census events and important dates, census-related job postings, and many additional resources. We encourage you to forward the newsletter to other census advocacy organizations in your networks!

You may unsubscribe at any time by replying to the newsletter email.
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