Empty'em 0.80 testing
Thanks for volunteering to test.

Please get the add-on from (https://github.com/downloads/asolkar/emptyem/emptyem-0.80-pre1.xpi). Install it and provide feedback below. Here's a list of changes in this upcoming version:

<ul><li>Moved to using Inline Options (https://developer.mozilla.org/en/Extensions/Inline_Options). This requires version 7.* or greater. On older versions, old preferences should work</li><li>Added a preference to disable the notification that appears after all configured folders have been emptied</li><li>Optimization change: Remove the folder listener that was added to track folders being emptied. No functional change, just makes the add-on a good citizen</li></ul>
If you have feedback/suggestions other than the topic of 0.80 testing, use the forum (https://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/empty-em-support)
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OS *
Operating System
Thunderbird Version *
Version of Thunderbird
Test result *
Did the addon work as expected
Account Types *
Types of accounts configured
Notes. Especially if things did not work as expected
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