Representative Cross Country Nominations (2023)
Please complete this form if you wish to represent Rosebank and compete in the Sydney Catholic Schools (SCS) Sydney Cross Country Championships in 2023.

Event Details:
Date: Tuesday 23rd May (Week 5, Term 2)
Venue: Sydney Motorsport Park, Eastern Creek
Travel: Hired bus to/from the College

Event Distances:
Multi class - 3km
12s boys - 3km
12s girls - 3km
13s boys - 3km
13s girls - 3km
14s boys - 4km
14s girls - 4km
15s boys - 4km
15s girls - 4km
16s boys - 6km
16s girls - 4km
17s boys - 6km
17s girls - 4km
18s boys - 8km
18s girls - 6km

Details to be confirmed and sent to students who nominate.

Email *
Student First Name *
Student Surname *
Gender *
Year *
Date of birth *
In 2023 I am turning *
I am aware of the distance that I am required to run for my gender and age group. I confirm that I am able to make this distance. *
If selected, I am available to attend the Sydney Catholic Schools Sydney Cross Country Championships on Tuesday 23rd May  at Sydney Motorsport Park, Eastern Creek *
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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