Class Proposal Form
A class is an event in which an instructor actively helps a group of students build knowledge and/or skills. The instructor is expected to have sufficient experience and training to do so.
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Email *
Your Name *
Phone Number *

What is the title of the class?

(The title should give an idea of what the class is about in about 3-4 words)

When will the class take place?

What are the specific date(s) you want for this class?

(Include both specific date(s) and day(s) of the week.

It is recommended that you schedule your class about a month ahead from when you submit the proposal, this gives time for both processing the proposal and marketing for the class.)


If this class has multiple dates, should students expect to sign up for a full series, or will the content be conducted in single sessions?

(A series indicates that students should expect a cumulation of knowledge or skills developed over multiple meetings.  Individual sessions indicate that students will attend classes as single events.  For example, a basic skills sewing class could meet every Wednesday for 6 weeks with the same students for a single registration fee.  Alternatively, students could enroll in separate classes paying for one class at a time, which means the students change each class.)
If you answered "other" in the question above, please explain 

What time does the class start, and end?

(Think about how long it will take to give instructions and complete projects)


What is the maximum number of students?

(Think about how many students you want to attend, and how many would be too much or overwhelming.)


Is there anything special students should wear and/or bring?

Are there any prerequisites for students in this class?


What is the age range for the class?

What materials and supplies do you plan to use?
What will students learn in this class?

What teaching approach(es) will this class use? 

(For instance, demonstration followed by small-group making, step-by-step instruction and practice, etc.)


What experience and training do you have in relation to this class?


Please provide an image for this class

(This image may be used in the event description and for marketing purposes. The image must either be in the public domain or owned by you.)

Send the image to
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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