The AAPT Board of Directors will be voting on By-Law amendments to make the Past President of AAPT an officer of the organization. In order to amend the By-Laws, the proposed changes need to be announced to the Board four months before the vote and need to be announced to membership, for member comment, at least one month before the vote. Announcements were made to the Board at the July 2021 Board meeting.
For more information on the process for Amendments to the By-Laws, please see Article X of the By-Laws here:
If the By-Laws are amended, in Section IV.2 pertaining to Number of Directors, Past President will be added in the list of officers. Moreover, in Section VIII.1 of the By-Laws pertaining to General Provisions, Past President will be added as an officer. Also, in Section VIII.3 pertaining to Powers and Duties of Officers, Past President will be added as follows “The Past President shall have duties determined by the Board.”
This notification serves as the announcement to AAPT membership. We invite you to comment on these amendments and request that all comments be received by December 15th. All comments should be submitted on this form.
Exact details about the changes to the By-Laws can be found here: