Mental Health Research Invitation for Students
The University of Santo Tomas - Manila is undertaking the research entitled "Mapping of Socio-Cultural Factors and Determinants Associated with Depression, Anxiety, Self-Harm and Suicidality among University Students."

This study aims to invite students, faculty members, and university administrators who have direct experience of dealing with the aforementioned conditions affecting university students. The objective is to prove that these conditions must be understood alongside the sociocultural realities that the students face and that interventions must be culturally sensitive in order to be effective.

We respectfully invite you to participate in this study, which will entail your voluntary and active participation in interviews regarding the condition/s you experienced, the assistance/services you availed of in your school (specifically the guidance and counseling office), and other information related to your condition/s.

This form is intended to verify your status as a university student who has availed of guidance and counseling services in your institution. Once verified, please expect that our research assistant will get in touch with you for further details about the project.

Should you have any questions, please feel free to contact any of the following:

Asst. Prof. Maria Carinnes P. Alejandria, PhD
Principal Investigator

Assoc. Prof. Anna Lea M. Enriquez, MD
Chair of the Ethics Review Committee of the College of Rehabilitation Sciences

Please access this link for the complete Informed Consent Form and Participant Information Sheet:

The ethics review approval of the Philippine Health Research Ethics Board (PHREB)-accredited committee is found here:
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Have you read the attached Information Sheet? *
Do you agree to participate in the study? *
What is your name as it appears on your school ID? *
What is your age?
Which University did you enroll?
What program are you currently enrolled in? *
Are you enrolled last semester or this semester? *
Have you ever availed of the guidance and counseling services in your school for any of the following concerns: depression, anxiety, self-harm, and/or suicidality? *
Please indicate your contact details (e.g.,  e-mail, mobile, social media) and time for our research assistants to contact you regarding your participation in the study. *
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