Join GenUp Sacramento in the Statewide Day of Action
Phone-bank and email your legislators' offices. The Students for Educational Equity (sfee) coalition needs your help in enacting our plan to manage the educational budget for the coming school year.

Our asks included the following:
Enact a statewide utility surcharge to generate a new funding source to provide all California
students with universal access to a device and internet at home.
Use funding in our state’s 16 billion dollar Budget Stabilization Account to cushion impacts on a newly revised state education budget.
Ensure student opinion, student input, student voice, and student perspective is heard and taken into consideration in the use of the $4.4 billion federal funds for summer school and reopening of school campuses.

We also requested that:
A state-student taskforce, consisting of chosen student-representatives from across California schools, is created to advise the governor on best uses on the allocations of the State Budget Stabilization Account as well as any additional State stabilization Funding or Stimulus Funding provided for by Congress
When students return to school in Fall, administrators will need fiscal support in order to protect the health and safety of all California students. We request the use of funds not sourced from Proposition 98, to buy medical equipment, personal protective equipment (PPE), thermometers, and other similar necessities in order to safely transition, Us Students, back to in-person learning.

Lastly, we requested new fiscal and scheduling modifications for the 2023-24 school year, as listed below:
Allow school districts to quantify average daily attendance (ADA) based on a rolling average from the past 2 or 3 years, instead of allocating funding attendance based on the 2019-20 school year alone, where the ADA was significantly affected by the onset of school closures and new adaptive measures to online learning.
Provide school districts the ability to still receive money through school funding formulas for absences related to COVID-19, as many students will still not feel comfortable with attending school in-person  in fear of transmission.
Allow students the option of resuming remote, independent studies after the official reopening of schools.
Revise the maximum and minimum limits on class sizes to ensure students, administrators, staff, school personnel, and educators alike can adequately social distance on campus and in school classrooms.
Delay the implementation of new curriculum and/or material until the 2022-23 school year so as not to overwhelm educators in these unique and daunting times.
Ensure school districts have the flexibility to adapt revised school year instructional calendars without penalty, whether that be shortening or lengthening school years; thus done in an effort to create best instructional practices in unique times of learning.

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