Tank Demobilization
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Date *
Technician *
Location *
Tank Number
Tank Capacity *
Products *
Contact Site foreman to review tank move plan *
Pull all transactions and clear boards and turn off cardlock *
Visually inspect complete tank for damage *
Completely pump out all products from tanks *
Check secondary containment *
Take final dips and send to the office (Fill out info below) *
Install magnets in Centeron monitors *
Remove vent pipes and secure *
Lower top rails and secure *
Remove crash protection *
Remove ground cables *
Turn off generator *
Remove exhaust *
Lock all doors *
Secure all hoses and other loose equipment *
Put all spill kits and fire extinguishers inside kiosk *
Pictures of the ground taken after tank removal *
Compartment 1 Dips - Start/Finish
Compartment 1 Pumpout Date & Time
Compartment 2 Dips - Start/Finish
Compartment 2 Pumpout Date & Time
Compartment 3 Dips - Start/Finish
Compartment 3 Pumpout Date & Time
Type Full Name
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