Cosmic Convergence Festival .EU -2024- Street team application form:

Hey Cosmic Ambassadors! Ready to spread the cosmic vibes? Join our Street Team and become an integral part of the Cosmic Convergence experience! 

As a Street Team member, you'll be the cosmic emissary, sharing the excitement about the festival across your city and beyond, passing out flyers, stickers, putting up posters at several events you attend and helping to spread the word on social media & however you can!

If you're outgoing, enthusiastic, and passionate about creating unforgettable moments, we want you on our team!

Thank you for your interest in becoming part of our global community. 

Applications close May 15th, 2024 and you will be notified if you are selected or not.

Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
Email *
Primer Nombre - First Name *
Apellido - Last Name *
Correo - Email *
Número de Telefono - Phone Number
En qué país resides actualmente? - Please list the country you are currently residing in: *
Has hecho Street Team antes? Si sí, para que evento? - Have you done Street Team Before? If so, which event or festival was it for? *
Por qué quieres ser parte del Street Team de Cosmic Convergence? - Why do you want to be part of the Cosmic Convergence Street Team? *
Enlista los festivales a los que vas a ir este año - Please list the festivals you will be attending this year: *
Enlista las areas donde podrás promover a Cosmic Convergence? - Please list the areas you will be able to promote in: *
Facebook/Website *
Instagram *
-How do you know about us?
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