Become a Mellow Sales / Distribution Partner
If you're interested in becoming a Mellow sales / distribution partner we would like to ask you to fill out the form below to help us deal with your enquiry more efficiently. Once submitted we will be in touch shortly.
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Company Name *
Website Url
First Name *
Last Name *
Address Line 1 *
Address Line 2
(If applicable)
Post / Zip Code *
City *
Country *
Telephone *
Please include your country code preceded by "+"
E-mail Address *
If possible please provide us with a business e-mail (rather than gmail, hotmail etc.)
How did you hear about Mellow? *
What's the nature of your business? *
What is your selling model? *
What other products do you distribute? *
How many years have you been in business? *
How many units are you interested in? *
Do you stock any other E-Skateboards? *
Any questions?
Help us to follow up with your enquiry quickly.
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