TUAC Consign Waitlist Form

We've been SO blown away by the amazing response to our consignment spots, they filled faster than ever ! Please fill out this form to be placed on our waitlist and as soon as spots become available I will contact you to add you to our consignors this season. You will have until the 18th to enter your items and we will get you a drop off appt Please fill out this form so I can be in touch. 

Looking forward to another great season! 


Name *
Email *
Cell Number *
Have you consigned with TUAC before? *
If yes what is your consignor number
What size and gender of clothing do you plan to consign *
Do you have large baby equipment or large toys you plan to consign - please highlight those below *
What is your favorite reason for selling?  *
Guesstimate of how many items you have to consign *
I will do my very best to get you added over the next week. I'll take some time to look at our drop-off appointments and see where I can add spots. 
If you'd like to secure a spot to sell your most high-demand items for cash with our Buy It NOW program (you can always change your mind if you get a waitlist spot), please let us know below and our Buy It NOW manager will be in touch. 
Check out all the info and see what we buy here
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