The contents and existence of this form is deemed confidential. Responses to the form are reviewed by a team of people in confidence. Your story may be shared with a trusted journalist. Please include contact details if you'd like to consent to your story in a media publication or have any questions or would like further advice on sharing your story. Your story may be edited to remove legal issues. You may use real names in your story but names may be anonymised or changed for publication.
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How long have you worked in the music industry? *
Are you an artist or an industry worker? *
What is your story? More than one story is ok. *
How can the industry work to prevent sexual harassment or sexist behaviours? (Optional)
What can men do to address the actions of their male peers? (Optional)
How can the industry better support survivors of sexual harassment or assault? (Optional)
Name (optional)
Contact details (optional) - provide an email address or phone number to further discuss your experience or for clarification
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