Writing. Creativity, Assessment and Psychology behind all this. 
The main agenda of this short writing course is to give our writing process a positive perspective, while keeping a critical eye open.

The workshop addresses the main issues and blocks behind writing.

Practical activities will allow the participants to explore what kind of writers they and their students are, what potential problems they might have with writing as well as the ways to overcome them.

Together we will go through the writing stages, focusing on the hurdles which may arise as well as the strategies how to tackle them. We will dig deeper into the writing block issue, learn to deal with our inner critic and raise our wise advocate. In addition to this we will explore the power of multimodality to boost students’ creativity.

Overall, the workshop will address both exam tasks (IELTS and Cambridge exams) and some essential activities to help students develop their writing skills in a typical ELT classroom.

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Name and Surname  *
A fun fact about yourself:)  *
Have you taken any writing courses before?  *
Your level of English  *
Are you an ELT teacher giving writing courses to your students?  *
If you are a teacher, what writing courses do you tend to teach?  *
Which genres do you tend to teach?  *
Think about yourself as a writer. What are your main strengths when you have to write?  *
Think about yourself as a writer. What are your main concerns in writing?  *
A question to ELT teachers. What are your main concerns in writing when you teach writing?  *
How do you give feedback to the writing assignments your students make? What techniques do you tend to use? (write a few words)  *
What is your main request for this writing session? What goal(s) do you have?  *
Have you ever suffered from a Writer's Block?  *
Have you taken my courses before?  *
Whatever you would like to ask me is...  *
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