E.S.R.V. Concorde Interest form 2023-2024
Thank you for your interest in ESRV Concorde!

For experienced riders:
By filling in this form you will notify the board about your interest and they will get back to you as soon as possible to arrange a trial lesson or give you more information about the association!

For beginners:
Please keep an eye out on the website, Instagram (@esrv.concorde), and the site of the SSC for information on the next beginners course. There is a beginners course at least once a year, starting in September. This year's course is already full so contacting us about a beginners course outside the registration is not needed, nor desired. Your time will come!
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Email *
What is your name? *
Where do you study? *
You don't have to be a student in Eindhoven, if you participate in a study in another city this is also okay. But you have to be a university or HBO student somewhere. 
In which stage of your study are you? *
For how long will you still be a student in Eindhoven? *
Do you have a SSCE sports card or are you willing to purchase one? *
If you don't have one and aren't willing to buy one you unfortunately can't be a member of our association.
In which language/languages are you proficient? *
What is your experience with horse-riding? *
What are your experiences with horse riding?
Do you have your own transport to the stables? *
Do you have any other questions/notes?
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