J.A.S.: Justice and Service
There is a service component in Confirmation. It's much easier than it was years ago. We no longer count out the hours or track your students total. If your student is currently in a service group or organization, they may use those service projects that qualify to get Confirmation service credit.
J.A.S really needs to focus by being the "Face of Christ" to another person in need. The best service to use for Confirmation would be feeding the poor, helping the blind, clothing the needy, tending to the sick, or helping an elderly neighbor.
A beach clean-up or weeding a community garden, are nice things to do, but they don't help one or more persons in a face-to-face, intimate way.
In Year 1,
your student must answer the questions in the first semester JAS & PEW . This first submission is due before Christmas. Second Submission is due at the end of the Year in May. Please
have your student complete this.
Writing forms are available for download at www.sif.orq
Note: there are no
Reflection papers due in Year 2. but the same rule applies. Year 2 must
attend 2 JAS services and 2 PEWs in order to report to Msgr. before
Confirmation in May 2024.