SNaHP will be hosting a virtual event on Monday, April 13th at 8pm ET titled Student Advocacy During a Pandemic: Our Country's Response to COVID-19 and What We Can Do to Help.

This event will feature:
Rachel Madley, SNaHP Education and Development committee co-chair and PNHP-NY Metro Fellow
Dr. Miriam Laugesen, Associate Professor Mailman School of Public Health, Columbia University
Thomas Jackson, former SNaHP Political Advocacy committee co-chair
Dr. Susan Rogers, PNHP President-Elect
Ashley Duhon, SNaHP Executive Board member
Ashley Lewis, SNaHP Political Advocacy committee co-chair

Please RSVP here. Zoom meeting details will be sent out on the day of the event to all attendees who RSVP. Deadline to RSVP is April 13th at 1pm ET.

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