City of Wilmington Parks and Recreation Shelter Reservation Request - 2025

The shelter at the Little Hearts, Big Smiles playground (actually a Clinton County Park District property) is not able to be reserved, as that group intends to make sure it is available to any users of the playground.  

Reservations are on a first-come, first-serve basis for April 20 through October 5, 2025.  Beginning January 2, 2024, only city of Wilmington residents may make reservations.  Beginning February 1, reservations are open to the general public.  By completing this form you are making a request for a reservation, which will need to be confirmed by a Parks and Recreation staff member.  Please note that your request is not confirmed until you have been contacted by a staff member, which you can expect within five working days.   Requests are date and time stamped automatically and will be confirmed on a first come, first serve basis.  City residents' addresses must be within the city corporation limits and will be verified.  

While we do not charge for reservations currently, any donations to the Shelter Maintenance Fund are welcomed.   Donations may be made to the City of Wilmington Parks and Recreation, Shelter Fund, 69 North South St., Wilmington, OH  45177.  City of Wilmington Parks and Recreation reserves the right to pass along costs to reservation parties associated with clean up over and above reasonable standards, including trash and decorations left behind.    

Thank you for helping us make sure our shelters are maintained for public enjoyment into the future!

Here is IMPORTANT POLICY INFORMATION you need to know (and please be sure to share this information with your group):  

1.  Shelters are available for reservation from 7 a.m. to dark.  Only one reservation is made per shelter per day.  A reservation sign with occupants' name will be displayed on the shelter-house the day of the event.  A schedule will also be posted at the Athletic Coordinator's office.  
2. Groups utilizing shelter-houses are expected to exercise reasonable care of the park property and to clean the shelters and surrounding areas of use before leaving. Excessive trash should be placed in dumpsters.  City of Wilmington Parks and Recreation reserves the right to pass along costs to reservation parties associated with clean up over and above reasonable standards, including trash and decorations left behind.    
3. Grills are provided at each shelter-house (except for Galvin Park).  All fires must be extinguished before the group leaves the park. Portable stoves or grills may not be placed on picnic tables.  Burning material or hot coals or ashes may NOT be placed on the grass, plants, in bodies of water or in refuse containers.  Patrons should allow coals or ashes to cool completely and should carry these out of the parks for disposal.  
4. Motor vehicles shall be parked ONLY in the designated parking areas.  No motor vehicles are permitted on the walkways or in the grass in the park.
5. Persons failing to use reserved shelter-houses at their designated time may not be permitted future reservations.
6. No person shall post, print, affix, distribute, deliver, place, cast or leave about any bill, billboard, placard, ticket, handbill, circular or advertisement in any shelter-house without permission from the Parks Director.   All decorations and the means to affix the decorations (staples, nails, tape, etc.) must be removed by shelter users.
7. Beverages and food containing alcohol are not permitted in the park and cannot be consumed in the park. These rules apply to all shelters under Wilmington Parks and Recreation jurisdiction.
8. No dangerous ordinance, air rifle, slingshot, missile or  missile throwing device, switchblade knife, gravity knife, snare, trap or other weapon defined in  City Codified Ordinance 549.09 is permitted on park property.
9. No person using the shelters shall use profane, obscene, threatening or indecent language or shall act in an obscene or indecent manner.  
10. Persons in the shelters must conduct themselves in such a way as to not disturb the peace and quiet of the park and surrounding neighborhood.  
11. No person shall play a radio or other sound amplification device so loud as to be an annoyance to other people in the park or to nearby residents.  Except for persons using the City Sound Stage, no person shall use any sound amplification device audible more than twenty (20) feet from the device without specific written permission from the Director.  No speakers, amplifiers or similar equipment shall be displayed outside of a vehicle.
12. No person shall continue using the shelters who does not abide by conditions adopted and posted by the Park Board for the preservation of good order and the protection of the shelters.  

Failure to abide by City of Wilmington Park Board policies and rules is subject to fines and penalties.   By submitting your request you agree to abide by the above rules.

Please note that restroom facilities are not available at Galvin Park or Southeast Community Park.  

If you have any questions regarding shelter reservations, please contact the Park Director at (937) 374-9455.  

Please help us care for our public facility, so many may enjoy it for years to come.  
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Name *
Organization *
If applicable
Address *
Street address, city, state and zip code.  
Phone Number *
Email Address *
Please double-check for accuracy.
Date Requested (1st Choice) *
Please list date and day of week - serves as a double-check.  
Date Requested (2nd Choice) *
Please list date and day of week - serves as a double-check.  
Number of Attendees Planned *
Number of Shelters Required *
Shelter Preference *
List your preference(s) -  Denver Williams Park A (on hillside, closest to small playground), Denver Williams Park B (on hillside), Denver Williams Park D (near wooden playground), Galvin Park, Southeast Neighborhood Park
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