EVENT Quotation Form: To get the best rate for your event, follow these steps:
  • Fill in the form.
  • Receive your FREE quote.
  • Confirm your choice by making a non-refundable $500 administrative fee deposit - book your choice.
  • Provide a list of participants.
  • Settle the hotel/cruise deposit within 10 days of booking.
  • 30 days before the event, submit the final rooming list, transfer details, and conference specifics. Dates may vary
  • 30 days before the event, settle the final invoice. Dates may vary.
For more detailed information please call   +1 206 304 2332
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Do you have specific dates for your event?


If your dates are flexible, please specify how.

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How many participants will be attending your event?


Please provide details about your event, including the schedule and other relevant information.

Please, сhoose the type of seats for the conference room if needed *
Captionless Image

How many single rooms do you need (for those traveling alone)?


Do you need assistance with purchasing tickets?


Do you require assistance in obtaining a visa?

Your personal information
First Last name, Position at the company *
Phone number *
E-mail to send the offer *


•All prices are quoted in euros or US dollars or currency of requested country for the specified dates, applicable for invoice settlements to a USA bank account without taxes. Taxes will be added to the final invoice. If the rate is quoted in a currency other than US currency, the exchange rate will be applied on the day of payment. Please note that if you pay in two installments, the current exchange rate will apply for each payment day.

•To make a booking, kindly submit a request for the chosen option via email to
info@favortraveltours.com. A non-refundable administrative fee of $500 USD will be charged upon booking via email.

• This offer is an official offer – and the booking of the offer is an acceptance, please note that the booking is a contract with conditions, including those set out below.

• After booking the hotel/tour/cruise – within 10 days you need to make an advance payment in the amount of 50 percent of the amount estimated for today by the amount, and 30  days before arrival – make a full payment. Dates and conditions may vary upon of a supplier.

• Pre-rooming must be sent no later than 10 days from the date of booking.
The final lists (rooming) must be prepared in the form with the specified passport data and countries of citizenship no later than 30 days before arrival. Please note that the customer is responsible for the correctness of the specified passport data, for checking the validity of passports, for the possibility of joining participants, independently.
If people need visa vouchers, send a copy of passports three working days before the voucher’s receipt date.

• In case of last moment room/stateroom addition, we do not always guarantee a group rate, and the cost is based on the number of nights. Rates for shorter stays should be re-requested.

• Changes after the final rooming during the event are subject to rack rates.
• Hotel check-in is at 15:00, check-out at 11:00 (may vary). Early check-in and late check-out are possible but not guaranteed and subject to availability. 

• When booking conference rooms and coffee breaks, please indicate the name of the selected room. The list of necessary equipment, as well as the seating of the hall – is needed no later than 7 days before the event.

•Transfers require flight and passenger details 14 days before arrival, including the passenger’s contacts and full name.

•If participants are individually responsible for room payments, online card payments (Visa or Mastercard) are accepted up to 14 days before arrival, with an additional transaction fee (from 2% up to 5 %).

• if you need quotes for travel insurance or air tickets, please check with us. Separate payment links can be provided for individual insurance and airfare payments.

We remain at your disposal for any questions and clarifications!
Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions!

I have read, understood, and accept all terms and conditions, including the non-refundable fee

If you have any questions, comments, or requests, please leave a note here:

A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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