Winter Storage Customer Application
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Please enter your email address *
What is your full name (first and last name)? *
What is the best phone number to reach you regarding winter storage? *
In the past, have you ever stored your boat for the winter with Niemiec Marine? *
Are you looking for inside or outside storage for the winter? *
Do you have a powerboat or sailboat? *
What model year is your boat? *
What brand (manufacturer's name) is your boat? *
What model is your boat? *
What length is your boat? *
What is the name of your boat? *
What brand engine(s) is in your boat? *
What brand generator is in your boat? *
Does your boat have a Seakeeper stabilizing gyro? *
Where has your boat been stored prior to this season (which boatyard or boatyards)? *
Who currently services your boat (commissions, winterizes, performs preventative maintenance, repairs broken components on the boat)? *
Niemiec Marine is a full service boatyard.  Our staff completes all winterizing, winter maintenance, commissioning, waxing, and anti-foul painting.  We do not allow customers to work on their boat while in our service yard.  Is this the level of service that you are requesting? *
Please enter any other information that you would like us to know about you or your boat *
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