Israel Palestine Pluralism Initiative: Principles and Practices for Synagogues
We, the undersigned, are synagogue-involved Jews and families who value Israeli and Palestinian life equally as a matter of theological and moral principle. We believe synagogues should be inclusive religious spaces in which Jewish particularism is ethical, empathy is always embraced, and participation does not depend on politics.

Ben Azzai says: “This is the book of the descendants of Adam" [Genesis 5:1] – that is the central tenet of the Torah." Rabbi Akiva says: "You shall love your neighbor as yourself” [Leviticus 19:18] – that is the central tenet of the Torah, indicating that you shall not say: 'Since I have been disparaged, let someone else be disparaged along with me; since I was cursed, let someone else be cursed along with me.' Rabbi Tanḥuma says: If you do act like that, know whom you are disgracing: “In the likeness of God humanity was created” [Genesis 5:1].
--Midrash Bereishit Rabbah 24:7

Some of us feel painfully alienated by our synagogues or former synagogues, and some of us are grateful to be members of synagogues who live up to some or even all of the ideals expressed here. Still others of us are unaffiliated because we have not found synagogues that are sensitive to these concerns. All of us are distressed by the silencing and marginalization, across the Jewish world, of our religious impulses to cultivate and express empathy and solidarity with Palestinians alongside Jews and Israelis. Those impulses are rooted in Jewish tradition, history, and values.

Rav said: The commandments were given only to refine humanity.
--Midrash Bereishit Rabbah 44:1

We look to synagogues to help us deepen our humanity and broaden our empathy, so we are troubled by the tribalism and parochialism expressed in slogans, prayers, and symbols that focus exclusively on “our side" of a binary Israel or Palestine. We are likewise troubled when synagogues use "we" statements to collectively affirm solidarity with Israel, to the implicit exclusion of Palestine.

If I am not for myself, who will be for me. But when I am only for myself, what am I?
--Mishnah Avot 1.14

We value the familial bond that all Jews share, and we appreciate that Jewish particularism has a place within our prayers and synagogue life. But it must be ethical particularism, mindful of those with whom our wellbeing is inextricably intertwined. Not only is the Holy Land inhabited by both Jews and Palestinians, but the State of Israel undeniably exerts military, civil, and legal control over millions of Palestinians, whether with just cause and methods or not. To suppress, ignore, or minimize their existence or their suffering is unethical.

What would be loathsome to you, do not do to others.
--Babylonian Talmud, Shabbat 31a

We disapprove of rhetoric, actions, and fundraising in the name of synagogues that would implicate an entire community in political projects that contradict the Jewish values we hold dear. Different Jewish denominations and individual synagogues have their own standards for membership qualifications; we hope that specific views on Israel are not among those qualifications. Across the denominational spectrum, there are Jews who feel solidarity with Palestinians, grief and anger over Israel’s conduct, and anguish over Jewish responsibility for Palestinian suffering, displacement, and death. Some of us are seeking not only solace for Jewish and Israeli suffering, but a means of exploring Jewish accountability and repentance for Palestinian suffering.

Rava, and some say Rav Ḥisda, said: If a person sees that suffering has befallen themselves, they should examine their actions, as it is stated: [Lamentations 3:40] “We will search and examine our ways, and return to God.”
-- Babylonian Talmud, Berakhot 5a

We are grateful to those rabbis and synagogue leaders who have already begun, or are working on, bringing this ethos into our synagogues. We understand the immense pressure on clergy when it comes to these issues. We hope that the following practices will become far more widespread and will be welcomed in those congregations that until now have resisted them. We believe that Israel Palestine Pluralism must be expressed in three primary areas: prayers and sermons; announcements and fundraising; iconography and flags.
  1. PRAYERS: To the extent that prayers for Israel are customary in a given synagogue, those prayers should include all of the inhabitants of Israel and Palestine. When praying for the peace, safety, and freedom for the inhabitants of the Holy Land, those wishes should not be assigned only to the Israeli population, leadership, or armed forces. Besides honoring and praying for any specific community members or their loved ones who have been killed or injured in Israel and Palestine, prayers should not be for only “our” side. "My house shall be a house of prayer for all the nations." (Isaiah 56:5)
  2. SERMONS: Sermons and speeches should respect the broad range of views on Israel and Palestine among congregants and potential congregants. Specific political or military strategies should not be offered, promoted, or critiqued as such. Sermons and speeches should guide us, whatever our political proclivities, to find wisdom, morality, and Godliness in Jewish tradition. "You have been told, mortal, what is good, and what God demands of you: only to do justice and to love goodness, and to walk humbly with your God." (Micah 6:8)
  3. ANNOUNCEMENTS: We need to recognize the intertwined fates of Israelis and Palestinians. When circumstances entail a recitation of an Israeli death toll, the corresponding Palestinian death toll should also be included. "Two nations are in your womb, and two peoples shall issue from your body." (Genesis 25:23)
  4. FUNDRAISING: To the extent that synagogues support fundraising and promotions outside of the synagogue itself, they should be for humanitarian and communitarian causes. Synagogues should not advertise, promote, or urge members to support any organizations that are sponsored by states or armed forces. "'Those that turn the many to righteousness' [Daniel 12:3] -- these are the charity trustees." (Midrash Sifre Devarim 47:5)
  5. ICONOGRAPHY: Synagogues throughout history have included a vast array of symbols and texts, and there is no one category or style that can claim the mantle of “tradition.” While many synagogues wish to include the iconography of the modern State of Israel within that array, we oppose that choice. There are nearly endless alternatives available from within our tradition. Synagogue signage, décor, and communication, should not include symbols of the State of Israel, slogans of solidarity with the State of Israel, or the language of Israel advocacy. “King David said: May I merit that my words be mentioned, in my name, in synagogues and houses of study." (Jerusalem Talmud, Berakhot 2.1)
  6. FLAGS: We believe that religion should not be conflated with nationalism and geopolitics. Israeli (and American or Canadian) flags should not be present in our sanctuaries and prayer spaces. Our attention in such spaces should be drawn to symbols that expand, rather than restrict, our allegiances and empathy. National flags are the products and symbols not of communities or geographical spaces, as is so often argued, but of political boundaries. Lands are symbolized by such things as flora and fauna of a particular area; flags, in contrast, represent states, and our sacred spaces should transcend such identities and affiliations. “Guard yourself… lest when you have eaten and been satisfied and have built fine houses to live in… and you say to yourself: My own power and the might of my own hand have won this wealth for me.” (Deuteronomy 8:11-17)
We, the undersigned, wish to see these principles and practices of Israel Palestine Pluralism enacted in synagogues throughout the Jewish diaspora and across denominational lines.  
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This is composed and being disseminated and monitored by Jenny Labendz, independently and not on behalf of any institution or organization. It was developed with suggestions from friends, mentors, and acquaintances..  

If you are a Facebook user who supports Israel Palestine Pluralism as described here, whether or not you sign, please join the Facebook group: Im Ani l’Atzmi – Synagogue Jews for Israel/ Palestine Pluralism

* denotes having left the synagogue or being unaffiliated due to lack of sensitivity to these issues.

Signatories are grouped roughly by location.
  1. Jenny Labendz | *United Synagogue of Hoboken | Hoboken, NJ
  2. Schneur Newfield | *United Synagogue of Hoboken| Hoboken, NJ
  3. Hannah Plotka | United Synagogue of Hoboken | Hoboken, NJ 
  4. Kathy Prussack | United Synagogue of Hoboken | Hoboken, NJ
  5. Lisa Zablocki | United Synagogue of Hoboken | Hoboken, NJ
  6. Susie Nakley | Oheb Shalom | South Orange, NJ
  7. Abraham Alexander Greene | Oheb Shalom | South Orange, NJ
  8. Jessie Graham | Oheb Shalom* | Maplewood, NJ
  9. Sarah McNamara | Oheb Shalom | South Orange, NJ
  10. Brian McNamara | Oheb Shalom | South Orange, NJ
  11. Phoebe Spanier | Oheb Shalom | South Orange, NJ
  12. Adam Jacobs | Oheb Shalom | South Orange, NJ
  13. Nina Robins | Oheb Shalom | Millburn, NJ 
  14. Tabitha St. Bernard-Jacobs | Oheb Shalom* | South Orange, NJ
  15. Liba Beyer | Congregation Beth El | South Orange, NJ
  16. Avi Smolen | Congregation Beth El | South Orange, NJ
  17. Stacey Z Lawrence | *Congregation Beth El | South Orange, NJ
  18. Stephanie Greenwood | Bnai Keshet | Montclair, NJ
  19. Graham Trinidad | B'nai Keshet | Montclair, NJ
  20. Marilyn Labendz | Congregation Agudath Israel | Caldwell, NJ
  21. Avram Rips | Cliffside Park, NJ
  22. Tamar Wyschogrod | unaffiliated* | Morristown, NJ
  23. Rabbi Rachel Kahn-Troster | Congregation Beth Sholom | Teaneck, NJ
  24. Rabbi Lindsey Healey-Pollack | Englewood, NJ
  25. Gilbert K Wald | unaffiliated | Bridgewater, NJ
  26. Michael Lesher | Adas Israel | Passaic NJ
  27. Meryl Crean | Mishkan Shalom | Philadelphia PA
  28. Tamar Jacobs | Folkshul | Philadelphia, PA
  29. Leora Matison | Unaffiliated | Southbury, CT
  30. Sarah Willen | Beth El Temple | West Hartford, CT
  31. Mollie Churchill | Beth El |  West Hartford, CT
  32. Debbie Kaufman | Flatbush Jewish Center | Brooklyn, NY
  33. Naomi Traub | Minyan Atara | Brooklyn, NY
  34. Mira Nathanson | Minyan Atara | Brooklyn, NY
  35. Ezra Kurtz | Minyan Atara | Brooklyn, NY
  36. Shir Brennan-Torell | Minyan Atara; Altshul; Prospect Heights Shul | Brooklyn, NY
  37. Benjamin Schaub | Yeshivat Hadar, Minyan Atara, Greenpoint Shul, Prospect Heights Shul | Brooklyn, NY
  38. Shelly Weiss | Kolot Chayeinu | Brooklyn, NY
  39. Sally Charnow | Kolot Chayeinu | Brooklyn, NY
  40. Morriah Kaplan | Brooklyn Jews | Brooklyn, NY
  41. Daniel Golde |Unaffiliated, JTS PhD Student | New York, NY
  42. Aharon Dardik | Columbia Hillel | New York, NY
  43. Ron Lieberman | Romemu | New York, NY
  44. Susan Oliff | Romemu | New York, NY
  45. Brian Kates | Congregation Beit Simchat Torah | New York, NY
  46. Louisa Solomon | Congregation Beit Simchat Torah | New York, NY
  47. Eliana Padwa | Darkhei Noam | New York, NY
  48. Stefan Krieger | Kehilat Hadar | New York, NY
  49. Lexi Kohanski | Fort Tryon Jewish Center | New York, NY
  50. Amy Feinstein | Hebrew Tabernacle / Washington Heights, NYC
  51. Dan Fleshler | Malkhut | Jackson Heights, NY
  52. David Sorkin | unaffiliated | New York, NY
  53. Shifra Sharlin | Unaffiliated | New York, NY
  54. Naomi Sharlin | Conservative Synagogue Adath Israel of Riverdale (CSAIR) | Bronx, NY
  55. Joules Huang Duze | Unaffiliated | Queens
  56. Mia Shelton | Kol Hai | New Paltz, NY
  57. Gail Jaitin | Shir Chadash | Bronx and Poughkeepsie, NY
  58. Gary Babad | RSNS | Manhasset, NY
  59. Nora Rubel | Temple Sinai | Rochester, NY
  60. Gail Ferraioli | Temple Sinai | Rochester, NY
  61. Sandra Mitzner | Temple Sinai | Rochester. NY
  62. Rachel Rosner | Temple Brith Kodesh | Rochester, NY
  63. Dr. Ayala Emmett | Temple B'rith Kodesh | Rochester, NY
  64. Jim Berger | Temple B'rith Kodesh | Rochester, NY
  65. Rachel Banks | Congregation Bnai Israel | NY
  66. Eva Mroczek | Congregation Bet Haverim* | Davis, CA
  67. Seth Sanders | Congregation Bet Haverim* | Davis, CA
  68. Shaina Kaye | Sha'ar Zahav | San Francisco, CA
  69. Benny Amon | Sha’ar Za’hav | San Francisco, CA
  70. Angel Ryono | *Netivot Shalom/unaffiliated | Berkeley, CA
  71. Laura Callen | Congregation Netivot Shalom | Lisjan Nation land (aka Berkeley, CA)
  72. Reba C |many and none| Huchiun, indigenous land (Oakland, CA)
  73. Zev Ross | Beth Jacob | Oakland, CA
  74. Rachel Karas | unaffiliated | Fremont, CA
  75. Carina Hernandez | unaffiliated* | Simi Valley, CA
  76. Jamie Gravell | *unaffiliated | Long Beach, CA 
  77. Victoria Alcoset | Kehilla Community Synagogue | Piedmont, CA
  78. Abby Brockman | Currently un-affiliated | Seattle, WA
  79. Sophie Taylor | Temple Beth Am | Seattle, WA
  80. Leonard Sklar | *unaffiliated | Seattle, WA
  81. Adrienne Papermaster | Kadima Reconstructionist Community | Seattle, WA
  82. Zeke Reich | Adas Israel | Washington DC
  83. Leon Fink | Temple Sinai | Washington DC
  84. Erin Piateski | Kesher Israel | Washington, DC
  85. Eran G | unaffiliated | Alexandria, VA
  86. L. Lee Butler | Ohev Shalom | Washington, DC / Ohr Kodesh | Silver Spring, MD
  87. Evan Serpick | Beth Am Synagogue | Baltimore MD
  88. Rabbi Ariana Katz | Hinenu: the Baltimore Justice Shtiebl | Baltimore, MD
  89. Sara Eisenberg | Hinenu: the Baltimore Justice Shtiebl | Baltimore, MD
  90. Jodie Zisow-McClean | Hinenu | Baltimore, MD
  91. Keshet Patterson | Hinenu: the Baltimore Justice Shtiebl | Baltimore, MD
  92. Diana Reighart | Hinenu: the Baltimore Justice Shtiebl | Baltimore, MD
  93. Karen Taylor | Hinenu: the Baltimore Justice Shtiebl | Baltimore, MD 
  94. Margot Goldberg | Hinenu: The Baltimore Justice Shtiebl | Baltimore, MD
  95. Candace Groudine | Temple Emanuel | Kensington, MD
  96. Ronna Popkin | Adat Shalom | Rockville, MD
  97. Yotam Tubul | Unaffiliated | Northampton, MA
  98. Anna-Claire Steffen | Beit Ahavah* | Northampton, MA
  99. Aaron Kagan | CBI | Northampton, MA
  100. Noah T. Winer | Congregation B'nai Israel | Northampton, MA
  101. Jonathan Bressler | Tremont Street Shul | Cambridge, MA 
  102. Sara Marx | Tremont Street Shul | Cambridge, MA
  103. Yinnon Sanders | Tremont Street Shul | Cambridge, MA
  104. Jacob Cantor | Temple Beth Shalom | Cambridge, MA
  105. David Caplan | Shir Tikvah | Winchester MA
  106. Marcey Rawitscher l unaffiliated l Providence, RI
  107. Rosie Ankhartz | Bet Ha’am South Portland ME | Portland, ME
  108. Lee Leviter | Temple Beth El | Portland, ME
  109. Molly Sloane | Unaffiliated | Brunswick, ME
  110. Elijah Summers | Shir Heharim, Brattleboro Area Jewish Community | Halifax, VT
  111. Chaya Halberstam | Or Shalom | London, ON Canada
  112. Rachel Berger | Congregation Dorshei Emet | Montreal, QC Canada
  113. JoAnn Jaffe | Congregation Agudas Israel | Saskatoon, SK Canada
  114. Michael Gertler | Agudas Israel | Saskatoon, SK, Canada
  115. Rebecca Roher | Holy Blossom Temple | Toronto, ON, Canada
  116. Kamila Rina | Danforth Jewish Circle | Toronto, ON Canada
  117. Eli Speigel | *unaffiliated | Toronto, ON, Canada
  118. Yaacov Yosef | Chabad Gate | Toronto, ON, Canada
  119. Jeff Carolin | Unaffiliated | Toronto (Tkaronto), ON, Canada
  120. Miriam Rastin | Or Shalom | London, ON, Canada
  121. Tracey TieF | Morris Winchevsky Shule | Toronto, ON, Canada
  122. Shamma Boyarin | Emmanuel* | Victoria, BC, Canada
  123. Mira Sucharov | Kehillat Beth Israel | Ottawa, Canada
  124. Joshua Starr | Or Shalom | Vancouver, BC, Canada
  125. Malcolm Steinberg | Or Shalom | Vancouver, BC, Canada
  126. Alexandra Lyon | Congregation Or Shalom | Vancouver, BC, Canada
  127. Olive Dempsey | Or Shalom* | Vancouver, BC, Canada
  128. Alexis Kellum-Creer | Or Shalom | Vancouver, BC, Canada
  129. Jane Wyllychuk | Or Shalom | Vancouver, BC, Canada
  130. Tamara Herman | Or Shalom | Vancouver, BC, Canada 
  131. Maxine Kaufman-Lacusta | Or Shalom | Vancouver BC Canada
  132. MP | Or Shalom | Vancouver, BC Canada
  133. Ania Switzer | Beth Israel* | Vancouver, BC, Canada
  134. Matthew Gindin | Vancouver, BC, Canada
  135. Neil Naiman | unaffiliated | Vancouver, BC, Canada
  136. Sarah Levine | Temple Sholom* | Vancouver, BC, Canada 
  137. Stephen Aberle | *Temple Sholom / Hamakom / Ahavat Olam Synagogue | Vancouver, BC, Canada
  138. Rachel Brydolf-Horwitz | unaffiliated | Vancouver, BC, Canada
  139. Kai Tawil-Morsink | Kolot Mayim Reform Temple * | Victoria, BC, Canada
  140. Aidan Doduck | Kolot Mayim* | Victoria BC, Canada
  141. Gail Super | unaffiliated | Canada 
  142. Bessie Wapp | *unaffiliated | Nelson, BC, Canada
  143. Amy Soberano | *unaffiliated | Guelph, ON, Canada
  144. Asher Kirchner | Temple Beth Ora | amiskwaci-waskahikan, colonially known as Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
  145. Judith Goldschmidt | unaffilated | Courtenay, BC, Canada
  146. Nashira Pearl | Skokie Valley Synagogue | Skokie, IL
  147. Joshua Shanes | Unaffiliated* | Skokie, IL
  148. Noam Weinreich | Anshe Sholom B'nai Israel (ASBI) | Chicago, IL
  149. Rachel Brustein | Anshe Emet Synagogue| Chicago, IL
  150. Taylor Maurand | Anshe Emet | Chicago, IL
  151. Sholom Sandalow | Anshe Emet | Chicago, IL
  152. Ethan Aronson | Anshe Emet Synagogue | Chicago, IL
  153. Aryeh Bernstein | Congregation Rodfei Zedek | Chicago, IL
  154. Isaac Johnston | Mah Tovu | Chicago, IL
  155. Robert Johnston |Mah Tovu | Chicago, IL
  156. Annie Sommer Kaufman | Mah Tovu | Chicago, IL
  157. Rachel Abramson | Mah Tovu | Chicago, IL
  158. Bill Dolnick | Mah Tovu | Chicago, IL
  159. Benjamin Balthaser | Nichols Park Minyan | Tzedek-Chicago | Chicago, IL
  160. Marsha Love | Tzedek Chicago | Chicago, IL
  161. Kelly Powers-Hamp | unaffiliated | Chicago, IL
  162. Martin Levine | Aitz Hayim | Glencoe, IL
  163. Lisa Heineman | Agudas Achim Congregation | Coralville, IA
  164. Anneliis Sartin-Tarm | Unaffiliated | Lincoln, NE
  165. Jessica Hammerman | JCCO/Chabad | Bend, OR
  166. Loren Spielman | Congregation Neveh Shalom | Portland, OR
  167. Ariella Kay | Beth Jacob of Atlanta | Atlanta, GA
  168. Tamara Ambar | West End Synagogue | Nashville, TN
  169. Tasha Rijke-Epstein | West End Synagogue | Nashville, TN
  170. Todd Clear | Glacier Jewish Community | Flathead County, MT
  171. Dina Rose | Glacier Jewish Community | Flathead County, MT
  172. Jaeli Rose | Glacier Jewish Community | Flathead, MT
  173. Yael Mayer | unaffiliated | Scottsdale, AZ
  174. Zachary Kolodny | Congregation Albert | Albuquerque, New Mexico
  175. Marc Caplan | Düsseldorf, Germany
  176. Noah Marohn | Shir Tikvah | Minneapolis, MN
  177. Rachel Jacobson | unaffiliated | Ann Arbor, MI
  178. Ruth Kraut | Beth Israel Congregation | Ann Arbor, MI
  179. Malkah Basha Sarah | Unaffiliated | Huntington Woods, MI
  180. Matt Guinard | Congregation Sinai | Milwaukee, WI
  181. Sam Allie | Congregation Sinai | Milwaukee, WI
  182. Yaakov Akiva | Temple Israel Canton | Canton, OH
  183. Barbara Kreisberg | Temple Beth Or | Miami, Fl
  184. Barbara G Bornstein | unaffiliated | Ponte Vedra, FL
  185. Samuel James Lutes | Congregation B'nai Zion | El Paso, TX
  186. Chaplain Orev Katz | *unaffiliated
  187. Stephanie Pell | Jerusalem / Teaneck, NJ
  188. Jordan Friedman | Unaffiliated, HUC Rabbinical student | Jerusalem
  189. Naomi Imbrogno | *unaffiliated
  190. Carrie Stanziola | *unaffiliated
  191. Rabbi Deborah Zuker
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