Emergency Department Provider Competency
Answer these questions to ensure you have a working knowledge of how to use the MEDITECH system as a Provider.
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Email *
What information will display in the Result/Order Scroller on the right half of the screen when accessing the ED Tracker? *
If the patient's preferred pharmacy is not already defined, where can the patient's pharmacy be entered in the Discharge routine? *
How can you quickly view the output of a report from the Provider Notes tab of the Chart? *
Captionless Image
Last Name *
What are the two areas that quick text can be utilized? *
True or False: The Return To button allows you, as a user, to have multiple charts open and toggle between them. *
1 point
Where in the patient chart can you see a patient's allergies? *
Which routine can be launched when a patient is highlighted? *
What are the home button and corresponding chevron used for? *
Where can you modify which widgets you see in the Summary tab and the Reference region? *
What is the recommendation for formatting when creating a Quick Text trigger? *
Office Affiliation *
What is the process to log off at the end of a shift? *
From the orders screen, where do you go to view all orders (current and discontinued) for a visit? *
Captionless Image
What is a possible reason that the controlled prescription you entered did not transmit to the pharmacy as it filed at a pending status? *
Where do Suggested Order Sets come from? *
If you make any edits to the Problem List within a document, will that update the entire patient chart or just stay within the document? *
First Name *
When will continue/stop decisions on the patient's current orders as well as new orders entered in transfer be active on the patient? (select two) *
True or False: Medications can be edited from the Medications Tab of the Chart. *
True or False: Quick Text can be edited on the fly within the Documentation routine once they are built. *
What does the Menu button allow a user to do? *
The Transfer routine allows providers to: *
True or False: Typicals can be created on the fly through documentation. *
How can users edit medication components when ordering? *
What is a "tracker"? *
1 point
If a new set of results comes in, and there is a Critical value among them, which color will be seen on the Result/Order Scroll to notify you? *
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