The aim of this conference is to discuss urban beekeeping as a way to a holistic transformation into green sustainable cities. Eminent speakers from URBACT, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations and APIMONDIA will present development trends. In the second part Ljubljana's BEE PATH, which became a network of stakeholders, a touristic and educational path, an educational programme, as well as a “think-tank” and an “incubator" of new entrepreneurship ideas, will be presented with focus on the transfer of this good practice into five EU cities: Amarante, Portugal, Bydgoszcz, Poland, Cesena, Italy, Hegyvidék, Hungary and Nea Propontida, Greece.
The conference will take place on 11. 5. 2021 and will be organised in hybrid form – physical and virtual form. The physical part of the conference will be held in the Cultural and Congress Centre Cankarjev dom, Prešernova cesta 10, 1000 Ljubljana. The conference will be recorded and streamed online.
Registration is open till 7. 5. 2021 and is obligatory for all participants.
The programme and other detailed information on the conference is published on the URBACT webpage


Namen konference je razprava o urbanem čebelarstvu kot poti k celostni preobrazbi v zelena trajnostna mesta. Uvodoma bodo ugledni strokovnjaki iz URBACTa, Organizacije Združenih narodov za hrano in kmetijstvo (FAO) in APIMONDIE predstavili razvojne trende. V drugem delu bomo predstavili Ljubljansko ČEBELJO POT, ki je postala mreža deležnikov, turistična in izobraževalna pot, izobraževalni program, kot tudi možganski trust in valilnica novih podjetniških idej. Pri tem se bomo osredotočili na prenos te dobre prakse v pet evropskih mest: Amarante, Portugalska, Bydgoszcz, Poljska, Cesena, Italija, Hegyvidék, Madžarska in Nea Propontida, Grčija.
Konferenca bo organizirana v hibridni obliki – v fizični in virtualni obliki. V fizični obliki bo potekala v Kulturnem in kongresnem centru Cankarjev dom, Prešernova cesta 10, Ljubljana. Konferenco bomo snemali in v živo predvajali na socialnih omrežjih.
Rok registracije je 7. 5. 2021, registracija pa je obvezna za vse udeležence.
Program in druge informacije o konferenci so objavljena na spletni strani programa URACT

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The city where your organisation is situated at / you are coming from // Mesto kjer je sedež vaše organizacije / kjer živite
How you will attend the conference? // Na kakšen način boste sodelovali na konferenci? *
By registering for the conference, I give organizers permission to use and publish photographs,  records and other material on which I am located, in publications, on the website and social networks of the BeePathNet project for promotional, educational and commercial purposes. // Z registracijo na konferenco dajem organizatorjem dovoljenje za uporabo in objavo fotografij, posnetkov ter drugih materialov na katerih se bom pojavil. Dovoljujem objavo v publikacijah, na spletnih straneh in družbenih omrežjih projekta BeePathNet v promocijske, izobraževalne in komercialne namene. *
I allow organizers to process my personal contact data from this registration form for the purpose of informing me about this conference and other BeePathNet activities. // Organizatorju konference dovoljujem obdelavo in uporabo mojih osebnih podatkov iz te prijavnice za namene obveščanja o konferenci in drugih aktivnostih projekta BeePathNet. *
Consent to collect and publish contact information, photos and recordings
Conference organizer is the City of Ljubljana, Mestni trg 1, Ljubljana, as the BeePathNet project lead partner.
Your personal information will be protected in accordance with Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the EU Council from the 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, and repealing Directive 95/46/EC (General Data Protection Regulation) and the Personal Data Protection Act (ZVOP).
We inform you that you:
- have the right to request from the controller access to and rectification or erasure of personal data or restriction of processing concerning the data subject or to object to processing as well as the right to data portability, by written notice addressed to the Municipality of Ljubljana, Department for Environmental Protection, Zarnikova 3, 1000 Ljubljana;
- can file a complaint with the supervisory authority if you believe that the processing of personal data is in breach of the General Data Protection Regulation;


Soglasje za zbiranje in objavo kontaktnih informacij, fotografij in posnetkov
Organizator konference je Mestna občina Ljubljana, Mestni trg 1, Ljubljana, kot vodilni partner projekta BeePathNet.
Vaše osebne podatke bomo zaščitili skladno z Uredbo (EU) 2016/679 Evropskega parlamenta in Sveta z dne 27. aprila 2016 o varstvu posameznikov pri obdelavi osebnih podatkov in o prostem pretoku takih podatkov, o razveljavitvi Direktive 95/46/ES (Splošna uredba o varstvu podatkov) ter Zakonom o varstvu osebnih podatkov (ZVOP).
Obveščamo vas, da:
- imate pravico do upravljavca zahtevati dostop do in popravek ali izbris osebnih podatkov ali, v upravičenih primerih, do omejitve obdelave v vaših podatkov. Imate tudi pravico do izpisa na podlagi pisnega obvestila poslanega na Mestno občino Ljubljana, oddelek za varstvo okolja, Zarnikova 3, 1000 Ljubljana;
- lahko vložite pritožbo na pristojno inštitucijo v kolikor menite obdelava vaših osebnih podatkov ni skladna z  Uredbo o varstvu osebnih podatkov

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