Join NJ's Regional Rapid Response Team
With numerous types of issues and challenges coming up across the state, NJASL and NJLA would like to assemble some groups of local school and public librarians who would be willing to get involved on a local level to help preserve intellectual freedom, school and public librarianship, and school and public library positions.

Please take a minute to tell us who and where you are, and in what way(s) you'd like to get involved.

And please encourage a friend or colleague to also sign up! Point them to to get to this form (that's Lib R R T, all lowercase)
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That's Lib R R T, all lowercase!
My name
I am a member of
Where you WORK
In case it's far from where you live! We'll try to find other advocates & members in this area.
The county I WORK in:
The town I WORK in (or write retired):
Where you LIVE
In case it's far from where you work! We'll try to find places nearby that could use your help.
The county I LIVE in:
The town I LIVE in:
How You Can Help
There are different tasks and different topics that could use your help.
I am interested in helping with
Choose all that apply.
Which areas are you interested in helping with?
Please choose all that apply.
Anything else you want to share?
If you'd like to provide thoughts for feedback for the Regional Response Team, please add them here.
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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