Join Bex's Beta Reading Team! 

Hey book lovers!

We're on the lookout for 3-5 amazing folks who are already head-over-heels for Bex's incredible stories! If you've ever found yourself lost in the worlds she weaves and can't get enough of her characters, this is your chance to dive into the next big thing before anyone else!

What's the Deal:

  • Book: You'll be the first to sneak a peek at an upcoming book by Bex Dawn.
  • Timeline: Kick back and enjoy within 2-3 weeks after getting your hands on the manuscript.
  • How: We're keeping it chill with Google Docs - comment your heart out!

What We Want From You:

  • Plot Patrol: Let us know what you think about the storyline, pacing, and timelines.
  • Character Chat: Share your thoughts on our beloved characters – are they hitting the mark?
  • Pesky Error Hunter: Spot any typos, grammar hiccups, or plot holes? Let us know!
  • Feelings Corner: Tell us what you love and what might need a little extra spice.

The Perfect Beta Reader:

We're on the lookout for fans who:

  • Are already crushing on Bex's writing.
  • Love getting lost in a good story.
  • Can binge-read like a pro in 2-3 weeks.
  • Know how to dish out feedback that's as sweet as it is helpful (but don't hold back, we want you to be honest!).

Ready to Dive In?

Fill out the form below! There are no wrong answers! Please answer as best you can, we want to make sure that we all find the best fit for our team!

My PA, Brittany, will be in contact with the few we select!

Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
Full Name *
Email Address to contact you *
Google Email address (for Google Doc) *
Which Bex book is your absolute favourite? Tell us why it stole your heart? *
If you could choose one character from Bex's books to be your ultimate book boyfriend (or girlfriend) who would it be and why? *
On a scale from "I devour books in a day" to "I savour every word", how would you describe your reading speed? *
Can you confidently commit to finishing a beta read within 2-3 weeks? *
Feedback: We want your feedback (good or bad) for character & plot development, plot holes or inconsistencies and anything else you feel needs noted. Does that sound good?  *
Why do you want to Beta read? What excites you most about being a beta reader for Bex? *
Are you good at spotting those pesky typos in a book? *
Do you tend to form strong connections with book characters you read? What are your favourite character traits?  *
What's your preferred reading set up? Cozy space, favourite drink, late-night, early morning?  *
Do you love to be in group chat's with your fellow betas (and authors)? Or do you prefer to silently soak it all in and just make your comments on the doc? *
Bex covers so many tropes. Why choose, MF, MC, Mafia, Breeding, Pregnancy, omegaverse, sword crossing, poly, and all the things in between. Are there any tropes that are a no-go for you?  *
Triggers! Do you have any triggers that would make you NOT beta read a book? List those here! *
This team is limited to 6-8 people max, tell us anything and everything for why you would be great on our beta team! Let us know if you have any questions or concerns here!  *
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