Students are traveling back to school this fall for in-person learning. Apply for the Safe Routes to School "School Travel Fellowship" to address issues related to student travel! We are looking for interdisciplinary teams from cities across San Mateo County to focus on an area around one school in the city. (Teams may focus on up to two schools if the schools are near each other.)
The ideal team must include: at least one of the following: public works, a transportation planner and/or someone from the city's engineering department. The team must also include school or school district personnel from the selected school(s).
The team may also include an elected official, someone in economic development or chamber of commerce, CBOs near the selected school. Cities are encouraged to also include representatives from: the city's BPAC, community member/residents, neighborhood association, and other local stakeholders.
*NOTE: Please submit only ONE application per proposed team*
Participants will:
Receive technical assistance throughout the school year from Alta Planning + Design
Attend quarterly meetings to share best practices; hear from experts
Receive non-permanent quick build materials for pop ups/demonstration projects near schools
Receive a recommendation to C/CAG Walk Audit program
Receive Walk/Bike Route Maps for identified schools in their cities
Letters of support may be submitted but are not required. Please address letters to SRTS Fellowship Committee and email them to
srts@smcoe.orgThe deadline to apply is September 30, 2021.