Organization Sign-on: Save Big Reuse's Queensbridge Composting Site
We the undersigned urge Mayor Adams and Commissioner Donoghue to reverse NYC Park Department's decision to evict Big Reuse from their community composting site underneath the Queensboro Bridge.

We are community groups, environmental organizations, gardens, and advocates for a more sustainable city.   Community Composting should be considered an essential part of operations hosted by and supporting Parks.

We urge you to provide Big Reuse with a new renewable license agreement to allow them to continue to provide Queens with critical climate-focused community composting, urban agriculture and green infrastructure programs - as they have for the last decade. 

Parks does not need to evict Big Reuse in order to build the Queensbridge Baby Park extension because Big Reuse's community composting site is not in the footprint of the Queensbridge Baby Park extension.  Parks is  moving a small sector operations parking lot from the footprint in order build the new park.  Parks should move to sector operations to a nearby underused 22,000 sqft Parks parking lot under the Queensboro Bridge with space for 25 vehicles and 10 storage containers - instead of evicting Big Reuse. 

Residents advocated for the community composting site remain in both 2021 and 2022 NYC Parks Community Input meetings for the Baby Queensbridge Park.  NYC Council Members Julie Won, Park Committee Chair Shekar Krishnan and 13 additional Council Members and counting have demanded that Big Reuse remain on the site.  Queens Borough President Donovan Richards and both local Queens Community Boards 1 & 2 have submitted letters of support.  NRDC and NYC Bar Association have asserted that the composting site is an appropriate use of Parks space.  In moving forward with eviction, Commissioner Donoghue is ignoring the input of the community residents and democratically elected officials who represent them.  

Big Reuse’s community composting site is a nationally recognized site by the USDA and US Composting Council.  It should be embraced and supported by Parks as an essential model to improve soil and green infrastructure while increasing Parks' sustainability.  The site is one of few remaining local sites processes New Yorker’s food scraps and yard waste and distributes the compost back to the community.  The community composting site provides the most sustainable solution for Parks' waste while providing a beneficial resource for healthy soils, street trees, flood mitigation, and more.

Last year, Big Reuse's Queensbridge site composted 370,000 lbs of Parks' leaf and yard waste with residential food waste and produced 700 cubic yards of high-quality, screened compost.  Most of the compost is provided to Parks Horticulture and GreenThumb.  The site also provided compost to over 200 schools, community gardens, street tree care events and greening projects.  Since 2011, Big Reuse has composted over three million pounds of Parks' leaves and wood chips and provided over 3,000 cubic yards of high-quality compost back to Parks, reducing Parks CO2 emissions from landfilling leaf and yard waste by 550 tons. 

Many of our organizations have benefited tremendously from Big Reuse's work and compost.  Big Reuse has delivered compost to many organizations from the Queensbridge site - supporting urban agriculture, community gardens and greener neighborhoods.   The site has hosted volunteer days and tours that provided community engagement at the Parks site that will no longer be available when it is converted into an operations parking lot.   Without the Big Reuse composting site - the city loses both compost and green infrastructure support.  Western Queens will be unnecessarily deprived of a community asset for an unneeded Parks parking lot.

Mayor Adams and Commissioner Donoghue - please provide Big Reuse with a renewable license agreement so they can continue to provide compost to community organizations and Parks.  

9 Moffat Street Garden
45th Street Green Space  
400 Montauk Community Garden
462 Halsey Community Farm
475 High Performance Building Supply
American Institute of Architects New York
Astoria Food Pantry
Astoria Pug
Beyond Plastics Queens
Bronx River Alliance
Brooklyn Academy of Music
Brooklyn College Garden
The Brooklyn Queens Land Trust
Brooklyn Society for Ethical Culture
Brooklyn Youth Sports Club
Cadman Park Conservancy
Caples Jefferson Architects
Center for Zero Waste Design
Clean Air Action Network of Glens Falls
Clean Up Crown Heights
Climate Families NYC
Climate Reality Project NYC
Clinton Hill Community Supported Agriculture
Common Ground Compost 
Community Solidarity 
Compass Charter School
The Compost Collective
Dave's Lesbian Bar
Design Trust for Public Space
Disabled In Action of Metropolitan NY  
Down to Earth Farmers Markets 
DriveRehab LLC
Dunolly Gardens Co-op Garden Committee & Compost
Eastern Queens Alliance: Idlewild Environmental Learning Center
Earth & Me
Earth Matter
East New York Farms
East Williamsburg CSA
Elton St. Community Garden
Equity Advocates
FAD Market
Flatbush Food Co-op  
Food & Water Watch
Forest Hills Green Team
Friends of McGolrick Park
Friends of Tompkins Square Park
Gotham Park
Gowanus Canal Conservancy
Graham Avenue BID
Green Guerillas
Green Map System
Greenpoint-Williamsburg CSA 
The Groundskeeper Club
GrowNYC Workers Collective  
Haki Compost Collective
It’s Easy Being Green
IXV Coffee LLC
Kew Gardens CSA
Local Nature Lab
Long Island City Coalition
Long Island City Partnership  
Lower East Side Ecology Center
Madison Square Park Conservancy
Maple Street Community Garden
Middle College High School at LaGuardia Community College
Moffat St Community Garden
The Municipal Art Society of New York
Natural Resources Defense Council
Newkirk Community Garden
Newtown Creek Alliance
New York Lawyers for the Public Interest
New York State Association for Reduction, Reuse and Recycling (NYSAR3)
North American Climate, Conservation and Environment (NACCE)
North Brooklyn Neighbors
North Brooklyn Parks Alliance
Nurture BK Compost
Open Plans
Open Source Gallery
Pace University Department of Environmental Studies and Science
Park Slope Fifth Avenue BID
The Poppa & Momma Jones' Historic Community Garden  
Pratt Center for Community Development
Prospect Farm
Q Gardens
Queens Climate Project
Queensview Aesthetics and Gardening Committee
Red Hook Farms
Riverdale Neighborhood House
Roosevelt Island Garden Club_Community Garden  
Shadow Traffic
Sierra Club NYC Group
Smiling Hogshead Ranch
Social Ecologies
Solar One
Sunnyside Woodside Mutual Aid  
Sunset Park CSA 
Think Zero LLC
Transportation Alternatives
Two Coves
Upper Green Side
Upper West Side Recycling
Urban Design Forum
Vinegar Hill Community Garden
Vinegar Hill Food Pantry
WE ACT for Environmental Justice
Western Queens Community Land Trust
Work From Home For Justice
Wyckoff House Museum

Petition for individuals is here. Please circulate to your members!

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