Freelance Trainer / Consultant Job
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We do get many assignments from various corporates for training in the area of Technical Training and Behavioural Training for White and also Blue Collar employees. If you are interested to work with us for the same on freelance / part time / full time basis, we request you to kindly fill your details here under.

Looking forward for a great relationship ahead..

Training Management Team
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What is your name? *
What's your e-mail ID? *
What's your mobile number? *
Your location ?
What is  your expected fees for 6 to 8 hours training / consulting assignment? Please quote your LEAST possible acceptable fees since we have a project where we are paid quite less and hence we are looking for less expensive trainers.
How many years of experience do you have as a consultant  trainer / teacher?
What is your area of specialization? *
Please explain how do you rate yourself for the subject. Please give details of consulting / training that you have already conducted on the subject. *
Do you have industry and teaching (training) experience on the subject for which you want to become a trainer?
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Let me also ask if you can help us in bringing business for any of our business line like technical (engineering or financial) or soft skill training. We will share a healthy profit for this activity as well. Though we are open to work with you by passing servicing assignments to you, but we are also looking for those trainers who can be a business partners and hence who can help in bringing more client as well for the business line where they do not have their expertise but Salahkaar Consultants can service. Please write back in the box here under.
We need your CV on Are you sending it now?
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We have a long term projects where we can't pay too high on per month charges, it will be 50 hours of training and this is an ongoing projects for years to come. Will you be interested?
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For HR subject, we require trainers for Competency Mapping, Recruitment, Labour Law, Psychometrics, Payroll, TTT and similar. Let us know if you can be an expert trainer to deliver training to HR Associates to HR managers with 20 years of experience. Explain how do you rate yourself.
Can you work for other HR consulting projects? If yes, how many years of core HR experience do you have?
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