帆船旅程問卷 Sailing Journey Questionnaire
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Basic voyage information
旅程首日日期 Date of the start of the journey *
參加團體 Joining group
誰是船長 Who was the Skipper?
誰是導師 Who was the host?
My thoughts
請寫出是次活動的目的 Please list your aims of joining the activity:
是否達到目標?Are the aims achieved? *
日期 Date: *
極不理想 Very unsuitable
十分理想 Very suitable
時間 Time: *
極不理想 Very unsuitable
十分理想 Very suitable
海上旅程 Journey on sea: *
極不理想 Very disappointing
十分理想 Very good
活動收費 Price for the activity: *
極不理想 Very unappropriate
十分理想 Very appropriate
整體總結 Overall comment: *
極不理想 Very disappointing
十分理想 Very good
若有同類活動  是/否  會推介給別人參加 If similar activity is to be held, would you recommend people to join it? *
你想再來參加嗎? Do you want to join again? *
旅程中,我最深刻的地方/最大的發現 /最深的體會是  The things, people and events that have most impressed me / My greatest discovery
我最欣賞/我最感恩的事/其他心得 The things, people and events that I appreciate most/ I am most thankful for/and others
是次活動需要改善的地方 Please give suggestions for further improvement of the activity:
對工作人員之說話 Words to the skipper(s) and host(s):
與我們保持聯繫 Keep contact
本人是否同意生命前線帆船事工使用以下個人資料為通訊、活動邀請或收集意見的用途 I agree or disagree Life Front-line Ministry to communicate with me, invite me for activities, or collet my opinions. *
姓名 Name
電郵 Email
手提電話 Mobile Number
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