Mighty Virtual Event Survey
As we continue planning the future of Mighty Virtual Events, we want to know a few things from you. This will be an anonymous survey, but you are welcome to leave your name & email at the end of this survey if you wish.

Please note, this survey will ask a few questions about current virtual event offerings, and some questions about the future of events and a few questions for data purposes.
Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
Section 1: Current virtual event offerings!
If you haven't been to any of our virtual events since March 17, 2020, you can skip this section and go down to the section on  the future of events.
About how many virtual events have you attended via Zoom, Facebook Live or Instagram Live?
On which platforms have you attended The Mighty's virtual events?
What have you seen during our events that you like? *
What have you seen during our events that you don't like or wish would be done differently? *
If you can, please highlight a specific event or events you felt were particularly beneficial, interesting, or had an element to them that you enjoyed.
Section 2: The future of Mighty Virtual Events
What times of day would you like to see Mighty virtual events? (select all that apply)
What days of the week would you like to see Mighty virtual events? (select all that apply)
What types of events would you like to see or what topics would you like covered? *
Final Data Questions
These final questions are optional, but will help us better serve you.
If in the United States, which state?
Age Range:
Where did you find out about this survey?
Where do you go to learn about new events?
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