Visit Dorset COVID-19 Business Survey
Barometer Survey for Tourism and Hospitality Industry

Welcome to the Tourism COVID-19 business barometer survey being undertaken by Visit Dorset.  All recorded data will be anonymised and the aggregated results of this survey will be published and used by Visit Dorset and Dorset Council to support lobbying Government and to gain a better understanding of the needs of the local industry to assist with recovery planning.
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1. Which Tourism and Hospitality sector does your main business principally operate in?
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2. Which of the following best describes your business?
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3. Is your business
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4. Where is your business located? (Please provide first half of your premises postcode)
5. What was your projected business turnover for 2020/21 prior to COVID-19?
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6. Are you taking any contingency measures to mitigate the impact of COVID-19 on your business? (Tick all that apply)
7. Which if any of the following business support measures are you looking to access or have enquired about? (Tick all that apply)
8. How impactful has government support been to enable the survival of your business during the COVID-19 restrictions?
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9. What additional support for your business would you like to see from Government?
10. How likely is your business to survive and re-commence trading if COVID-19 restrictions are removed by
Highly likely
Highly unlikely
Don't know
End of June 2020
End of September 2020
End of December 2020
Clear selection
11. How likely is it that you will return to full staff employment if COVID-19 restrictions are removed by
Highly likely
Highly unlikely
Don't know
End of June 2020
End of September 2020
End of December
End of April 2021
Clear selection
12. What impact do you think COVID-19 trading restrictions will have on your annual turnover in 2020/21 if restrictions were fully lifted by
No impact
Up to 25% reduction
25-50% reduction
50-75% reduction
75-100% reduction
End of June 2020
End of September 2020
End of December 2020
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13. How long do you estimate it will take to return your business to profitability assuming reopening by
Less than 3 months
3-6 months
6 months to a year
1 - 2 years
More than 2 years
End of June 2020
End of September 2020
End of December 2020
Clear selection
14. Over the last 3 weeks, what changes have you seen in terms of enquiries and bookings compared to normal for this time of year?
No change
Decreased by up to 25%
Decreased by 25-50%
Decreased by 50-75%
Decreased by 75-100%
Clear selection
15. Are you still undertaking any of the following activity? (Tick all that apply)
16. Which markets are you planning to focus on first to aid business recovery? (Tick all that apply)
17. Are you planning to re-think your product and/or marketing proposition to aid business recovery?
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18. (If yes) Please describe the changes you are planning?
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