Application Form for the Training Course Flower Power
Please fill in this form to apply for the Training Course "Flower Power"  that will take place in Madrid, Spain from April 30th until May 6th 2024
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Name *
Family Name *
Gender *
E-mail adress *
Phone number *
Birthdate *
City of Residence *
Country of Residence *
Nationality(ies) *
Why do you want to participate at this training course? What is your motivation? *
What are your expectations for this training course  ? *
Which would be your contributions to the project? *
How do you expect to implement the knowledges/skills you will gain? *
Did you already participate in an international project? *
If yes, please give us some more information about your experiences.
The European Commission encourages the participation of Young people that face social, economic, geographical, educational, cultural, or health barriers. Does any of this barriers apply to you? If yes, please explain briefly which one. *
How would your rate your english level? *
Where did you find out about this project? *
If you choose FB groups, pages, IG profiles, or association's websites, could specify in which one did you find the call?
About the EU-GDPR I hereby confirm that: *
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