Hollywood PTA 2022 Luminaria Fundraiser
Please help us make Hollywood magical for the holidays on December 24th!  By buying luminaria kits and putting them on your sidewalk or driveway on the evening of December 24th, you'll help support the Hollywood PTA and make our community more beautiful this holiday season.  Thank you for all of your support over the last five years!

Each luminaria kit includes everything you need to make 10 luminaria.  You'll get 10 white paper bags, 10 long-burning candles, 10 plastic candle cups, sand, and easy instructions.  It's recommended to space your luminaria about 3' apart on your sidewalk or driveway.

For more information about the Hollywood PTA, check our website at www.hollywoodpta.org.

Update: the order deadline has been extended to Sunday December 11, 2022.
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How many luminaria would you like to order? *
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If choosing $3 delivery, please provide address:
Thank you for your order!
You will get an automatic response with a copy of your answers.

Your purchase helps support the Hollywood PTA and many activities at the school, including Artist in Residency, field trips, yearbook, One Book One Hollywood, Field Day, Teacher Appreciation Week and much more!

If you have any questions, please contact us at hollywoodschoolpta@gmail.com
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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