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Elysian Fields ISD Local Business/Organizations Survey
The purpose of this survey is to inform the strategic plan for our district. Please take a few moments to answer the following questions.
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* Indicates required question
What type of training do positions at your company require? Please check all that apply.
High school diploma
Technical training, such as that provided in an apprentice program
Technical training, such as that provided in a 2-year degree program
4-year college degree
Post-bac degree
For what types of positions do you envision hiring in the next 3-5 years?
Your answer
What knowledge and skills would your ideal job candidates possess?
Your answer
Would you like to partner with Elysian Fields ISD to help prepare our students for future careers?
How would you like to partner with the district?
Job site visits
Job shadowing
Guess speaker(s)
Please provide your name and contact information.
Your answer
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