VHS Leahy Library Copy Request
Use this form to request electronic copies (PDFs) of printed and manuscript material at the Leahy Library of the Vermont Historical Society.

+ First ten pages of one item or folder $15.00 ($10.00 members).
+ Additional scans billed at $0.20 per page ($0.15 per page for members)

You will be asked to describe your copy request on this page. After you have submitted this form you will be asked to make payment for your request.  If you need to contact us we can be reached at library@vermonthistory.org or at 802-479-8509.
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Your Name *
Email *
Please describe your copy request (include call number or collection number): *
Pay for your scans!
Once we have made your scans we will send you an electronic invoice along with your scans.
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