Preparatory Mentoring Program Form
Hello and welcome to the BnL Start Partners Preparatory Mentoring Program application form!
You will come across a couple of questions that will be really helpful for us to get to know you, your idea, your project, your team better. Here is the time to impress us, so that it will be easier to pick you in our Preparatory Mentoring Program. Have fun!
Please be as short in answering our questions as writing a tweet (there might be exceptions). And use English only. Thanks!
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Who are you? – please introduce yourself and your team shortly in 2 sentences *
Tell us about your idea in 2 sentences! *
What are the pain points on the market you want to solve?
Give a cool name to your project! *
What are the most important things you expect from BnL Start Partners? *
Now we can’t wait getting to know your idea better! We don’t expect to share you’re secret details or your business plan, but we need some information to be able to decide if we can help you. Please reply to the following questions!
What is outstanding and unique about your project? *
What would you do differently in your business compared to your competitors? *
Competitors...competitors are everywhere! Can you think of any company who might steal your show? Is there any firm out there who intimidates you? *
Have you got an online demo yet? If so, what is the URL? *
According to your plan, when will you have a prototype, a release candidate and a production ready version? *
How much fund do you need from us to get there? (prototype, rc, production) *
If you've already started working on it, how long have you been working and how many lines of code (if applicable) have you written? *
Do you have any companies in mind that you think would be interested in buying you? *
Where do you see yourself in 5 years time? (E.g. have already sold my company, have not sold and I'm still CEO, working for the company but in another role.) *
What might go wrong? (We are testing your imagination here.) *
How long have the founders known one another and how did you meet? *
Have you incorporated your company yet? If so, when? Who are the shareholders and what percent does each own? If you've had funding, how much, at what valuation(s)? *
If you don't have a company yet, please list the percent of the company you plan to give each founder, and anyone else you plan to give stock to. (This question is as much for you as us.) *
Do any of the founders have (business) engagement between January 2024 and June 2026 inclusive? *
Do you use any code that is not written by one of your team members? If so, do you have the rights to use it commercially? *
How do you make your living now? *
Amaze us! Say something really crazy about You! *
How can we get in contact with you? Please, tell us your name, e-mail address and phone number! *
One more thing...
BNL Start hereby declares that the information you provided about your project is treated confidentially.
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