Wallet Security Comparison
We, DIF WG Wallet Security, will kindly ask you to take a few minutes and give is some information about your SSI wallet / solution.
The collected data will be made available to all participants. The data will help us to get an overview of the existing solutions. Everyone is welcome to join our working group. Let‘s design next level wallet security together.
Please contact paul.bastian@bdr.de
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Please enter your company name
Where is the headquarters of your company?
Please give us your email address, so that we can keep you informed.
What is the name of your wallet/solution?
Which technology stacks are supported by your wallet/solution (e.g. did methods, AIP v.x?  W3C/anoncreds/BBS+)?
Which SSI agents do you use (e.g. ACA-py, ACA.go)?
Which security architecture (mobile/edge crossplatform/nativ, cloud/platform, hybrid/other) do you use?
Does your wallet support different security levels in accordance to the stored credentials (e.g. differential credential security)?
What security mechanisms for key storage do you already use?
Which means of holder authentication are used?
Which means of wallet authentication are used? How is the authenticity of the wallet itself be proved?
Does your wallet support recovery mechanisms?
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