Fall 2024 Service Options
Hi there, Please fill out this form if you are interested in your child participating in any of our groups! Please also let your caseworker know that you are interested. Please contact Stacie with questions at socialskills@foxvalleyautism.com
Email *
Class(es) you would like to sign up for, choose all that apply
Your Child's name
Your child's date of birth
Your name
Your phone number
Your email
Your address
Does you child require a 1:1 support? We are at capacity for those needing 1:1 support. We have openings for those that can have 3:1 support. 
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Your child's CLTS case worker and their email if you have it
Your county
Cooking Group Specifics, please skip if you are not signing up for this one, otherwise, please mark all that you are interested in
Social-Emotional Group Specifics, please skip if you are not signing up for this one, otherwise, please mark all that you are interested 
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This form was created inside of Fox Valley Autism Treatment Program. Report Abuse