Sandhurst Liberal Democrats Community Survey
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Energy, Fuel, Prices - Q 1. Have you been affected by the petrol distribution problems?
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Q 2. Are you concerned that the wholesale gas price has gone up 300% since January?
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Q 3. How has the inflation of prices affected you? *
Not at all
Crime and policing -Q 4 Has crime over the past five years crime, disorder and abuse locally:
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Q 5.  Has the number of police & community support officers you have seen locally over the past 5 years
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Q 6. Have you had to witness abuse on women, minorities or the elderly locally?
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Q 6 (Cont). Have you had to witness abuse on women, minorities or the elderly locally? - If Yes from a above would you like to share?
Recycling & Planning - Q 7. How is the partnership with Reading and Wokingham working for your household waste collection and personal recycling?
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Q 8. Do you think the local recycling rules for our household waste are clear?
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Q 9. Do you have any other comments on recycling and the environment?
Q 10. Take back Control? - On which level do you think development planning decisions should be made
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Brexit Q 11.  Which of these statements best reflects your views on Brexit?
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Sandhurst Council Q 12. Which of these statements best reflects your views on Bracknell Forest Council?
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Q 13. Do you agree with the following statements? Please circle appropriately:4 = strongly agree   -   3  = agree   - 2 = disagree   -   1 = strongly disagree   *
Lib Dems listen to local people
Lib Dems care about local people
Libe Dems work hard for local people
Q 14. Your Name or your street if you wish to remain anonymous
Q15. Email address
Q16. Phone
Q17. Year of Birth
Q18. Which of the following describes you best
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Q 19. How likely would you be to vote for the   following parties in the future? *
Most Likely
Lib Dem
Will you help the Liberal Democrats locally?
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